Joshua Java

I thought Struts is dead

Posted on: November 28, 2007

Recently I evaluated two popular opensource project, Liferay and XWiki. It turns out that both of these projects still use Struts1 for their MVC model. I thought no one would use Struts1 anymore considering there are so many better frameworks out there. I proved myself wrong.

6 Responses to "I thought Struts is dead"

Yup you’re right. There ‘re many sites which still use struts 1, for an example is . It have an extension *.do (struts 1 common extensiion) for its pages.

Don’t EVER understimate habits

why sturts is dead?
what strong excuse struts is dead?
why people mostly use choose struts better than other framework ?

I thought it’s dead because merely there are more better frameworks than struts out there. People usually chose struts because: They don’t have any other choice since struts has been around in the webapp framework space for quite a long time. IMHO, if those people have choice, they wouldn’t use struts.

Liferay and JRoller are products that have been around for a while. They probably got to the point that a rewrite does not buy them enough to be worth the pain.


what was your opinion with regards to xwiki vs liferay. Which one would you say is better and why..

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