Joshua Java

Archive for the ‘Java’ Category

Currently I am making a website using Ruby on Rails for my beloved. Moving in from Java I found developing Rails apps is very convenient as I can see changes directly (with few exceptions though) without restarting the server. With that in mind, I was wondering whether we still need to unit test Rails apps. Luke Francl explained in his presentation and interview why testing is overrated. I must agree that it is quite true that unit testing seems to be overrated for Rails apps because unit testing grew up from static language like Java and because you want to make sure your code works before you test it on a real server. So back to the question, what’s the point of doing TDD and BDD in Rails apps? If I’m developing with Rails, what is the advantage of unit testing over usability testing by human? Is there still anything useful from doing TDD in Rails?

2009 is coming to your way and it’s time to get ready on what technology lies ahead. Refactor, refactor and refactor is the theme for 2009. A whole new technology is coming your way and it’s good to take a sneak peek on what technology is worth evaluating to be used for our projects in 2009. The first half technology are the technologies that you should keep your eyes at while the next half are the technologies that you might want to start trying for your next project in 2009. So here are the lists for 2009:
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On my previous Tapestry 5 article I mentioned how difficult it is to create a custom component with Struts 2 compared to Tapestry 5. Since in our legacy apps we used Struts 2 and I got a task that made me to create a custom component I might as well just document it here since it is not documented in Struts 2 documentation nor the Struts 2 book.
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At the time being I am doing a Flex project for my client. Alot of people has been praising Flex for being the answer in the RIA world. In one way and the other, it’s true: Flex is really sexy, because it can bring all of the interactiveness and statefulness from desktop app world to the webapp world. But there is a but. It’s good from user’s point of view. But from developer’s point of view, it’s a different story. You might have to think again whether or not to use Flex for your next project if you are currently considering to use Flex. What I’m saying here doesn’t mean that Flex is not good, but rather I’m saying there is a consideration you might have to think about before you want to use Flex and there is consequences to get all of those sexiness.

Flex is good for a reason, but it’s not for the other reason. Doing almost everything in Flex is quite different compared to regular web development using html, css and javascript (or web 2.0 as some people say). I’ve even made a presentation about this and shared it with JUG-Indonesia several months ago. For some people there will be some pains they have to go through when entering the Flex world. And for some people these differences might not be acceptable because in one way or the other it can affect the productivity of the developers in the team. Anyway, all in all the reason you might not want to use Flex is:
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Yesterday we were evaluating GWT to be used as a wrapper for the GMap API. And one thing we need in our apps is to be able to drop marker and follow where the last marker is dropped.
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